How much water do you need to create an attractive and healthy landscape? There is really no "right" answer to this question, it all depends on factors such as the local climate, the type of plants, the soil conditions, the shade, the maintenance practices and so on. Some healthy landscapes do not need additional irrigation beyond what falls from the sky, others rely on significant amounts of water. In a perfect world, everyone would bring just the right amount of water to their landscape to keep them healthy and attractive, with no excessive runoff or waste of water. Studies have shown that on average about half of the water that is consumed in a German family home over the course of a year is introduced into the landscape. Tip! The general rule is to pour as deeply and as seldom as possible. Deep and rare watering encourages the plant to develop a deep root system, which in turn increases the severity of dryness as the soil dries from top to bottom. Frequent, lig...