Are you thinking of buying or selling a house? Think of an estate agent! Often times, new home buyers think that by cutting out the estate agent from the house buying process, they could save a lot of money. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Trying to avoid using the services of an estate agent when you want to buy a new house will cost you a lot more.
Think of it this way, would you rather use a typewriter to type your job application or make use of a computer? Of course, most people will go the easy way. Trying to buy a house on your own without using an estate agent is the old way of doing things. Nowadays, most people have realized that these guys are so important that you can almost can't do without them.
A lot of new home buyers do not know the role as well as the benefits of realtors in the home buying process. If this is you, then you are going to find this article very helpful. Keep on reading to find out more.
What Role Does the Estate Agent Play?
Simply put, these guys are the middlemen. However, they are not just any type of middlemen. They are experts with lots of experience about what it takes to buy, sell or rent a house. Apart from having the experience, they also have reliable contacts on standby. Take, for instance, you may need a property lawyer, an affordable moving company, or a reliable contractor to fix your home. Estate agents know these guys and can help you to arrange their services within a very short period of time.
For their role, you only have to pay them a little commission. Mostly, this commission is calculated as a percentage of the selling price. In the United Kingdom, the fees estate agents collect vary from between 1.5%-4% of the sales value, this price is before VAT. For example, if you a house sells for £300,000, an estate agent will get about £4,500 for his services.
Benefits of Using Estate Agent
- Expert Advice
Perhaps, one of the greatest benefits of using estate agents is that you will get expert advice. They know the best way to maximize your house sale or to buy a home for the cheapest price. The advice you get from them forms part of the fee you pay them.
- Local Knowledge
Certainly, they know the real estate market more than you. Not everything is online. Whether you are trying to sell or buy, the local knowledge of estate agent can be very helpful.
- Excellent Marketing
When using the services of a good agent, he will help you to professionally market your home when you are trying to sell it. These guys have skills that took them years of hard work to acquire. Leveraging their marketing skill can save you thousands of pounds.
- Fast and Convenient
Whether you are trying to sell or buy a home, a reliable agent can make the entire process fast, convenient, and painless. Like we have already stated above, these guys have the experience and network to make this process as fast and convenient as possible.
Final Words
Finding the right estate agent to help you when you are trying to buy or sell a home can be very challenging. However, it is not totally impossible. With the right tools and a little motivation, you will be able to find the best online estate agent in the UK.
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