Qualified Brokers and Broker Attorneys versus inexperienced Agents.
Our experienced Brokers and Broker Attorneys individually possess anywhere from ten to forty years of experience. We are all about Uber execution and providing answers without complication or delay.
Our associates have equity participation based on performance metrics. They have assets, skin in the game, ratings and perfect records. Broker / Broker Attorney’s with Uber Real Estate, unlike other real estate firms, have a built-in exit plan for retirement. Our associates are part owners and consequently, do not compete against others at their own firm. Our associates work together as a team, as all clients of the firm are, by default, their individual benefactors as it should be.
The Uber for Real Estate is raising the legal bar in the Real Estate arena. We do not hire inexperienced real estate agents that lack education and experience, unlike other firms. You need someone qualified to handle what is usually your most personal and the most valuable asset in your life.
Uber Real Estate™ is displacing estate brokerage firms, the Real Estate Brokerage Industry and Reducing the Cost to Transact.
We are moving to an Uber™ application, on-demand model.
Uber is the last real estate firm that you will ever use, as you are directly benefitting yourself. Some of our clients have the opportunity of receiving equity options when they complete a transaction. Some are, in fact, shareholders and lifetime clients. We provide quality and return to our customers through Supply Side Economics.
We meet far more active buyers and sellers in transition. Our associates see and hear about them first.
Uber appears 2,350,000,000+ times in search. Uber Real Estate, Uber For Real Estate and Uber of Real Estate presently appear over 1,000,000,000+ times in the search.
Bible, for comparison, appears 586,000,000 in the search.
Realtor shows up 326,000,000 times in the search. Zillow shows up 110,000,000 times in the search. Trulia shows up 65,000,000 times. Coldwell Banker 55,000,000, Keller Williams94,000,000, Remax 128,000,000 times and Berkshire Hathaway 36,000,000 (Subject to change). The rest are not worth speaking too as they are irrelevant.
All of these combined, fit inside a small portion of the marketing prowess of Uber.
Uber Real Estate is simple A to B logic…
Up to 50% off traditional Real Estate Fees.
Qualified Brokers and Broker Attorneys versus inexperienced Real Estate Agents.
More search results and human interactions than everyone else combined several times over.
Just Uber™ it.
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